학술지명 | 논문명 | 게재년월일 | |
2023년 지방대학활성화사업 정책연구 |
학술지명2023년 지방대학활성화사업 정책연구 논문명코스메슈티컬융합전공 개설 및 적용방안 연구 게재년월일2024.01.20 |
코스메슈티컬융합전공 개설 및 적용방안 연구 | 2024.01.20 |
한방산업연구 |
학술지명한방산업연구 논문명생활패턴에 따른 피부관리실 이용행태 게재년월일2023.12.30 |
생활패턴에 따른 피부관리실 이용행태 | 2023.12.30 |
한국정밀공학회 추계학술대회 |
학술지명한국정밀공학회 추계학술대회 논문명보행분석용 스마트 인솔의 PCB 통신모듈 케이스의 강도시험 및 해석에 관한 연구 게재년월일2023.11.15 |
보행분석용 스마트 인솔의 PCB 통신모듈 케이스의 강도시험 및 해석에 관한 연구 | 2023.11.15 |
학술지명JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY 논문명Crystal Structure of the Metallo- Endoribonuclease YbeY from Staphylococcus aureus 게재년월일2023.01.31 |
Crystal Structure of the Metallo- Endoribonuclease YbeY from Staphylococcus aureus | 2023.01.31 |
Biodesign |
학술지명Biodesign 논문명Purification and preliminary X-ray analysis of YbeY from Staphylococcus aureus 게재년월일2021.06.30 |
Purification and preliminary X-ray analysis of YbeY from Staphylococcus aureus | 2021.06.30 |
학술지명JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY 논문명Crystal structure of the nuclease and capping domain of SbcD from Staphylococcus aureus 게재년월일2021.04.20 |
Crystal structure of the nuclease and capping domain of SbcD from Staphylococcus aureus | 2021.04.20 |
대학정책연구 과제 |
학술지명대학정책연구 과제 논문명대구한의대형 평생교육 혁신모델 구축방안 연구 게재년월일2021.02.28 |
대구한의대형 평생교육 혁신모델 구축방안 연구 | 2021.02.28 |
기초과학 |
학술지명기초과학 논문명시카카이 열매 추출물의 두피에 대한 유수분 변화 게재년월일2020.09.30 |
시카카이 열매 추출물의 두피에 대한 유수분 변화 | 2020.09.30 |
학술지명MOLECULES AND CELLS 논문명Cleavage-Dependent Activation of ATP-Dependent Protease HslUV from Staphylococcus aureus 게재년월일2020.08.31 |
Cleavage-Dependent Activation of ATP-Dependent Protease HslUV from Staphylococcus aureus | 2020.08.31 |
학술지명JOURNAL OF LIPID RESEARCH 논문명The grease trap: uncovering the mechanism of the hydrophobic lid in Cutibacterium acnes lipase 게재년월일2020.05.01 |
The grease trap: uncovering the mechanism of the hydrophobic lid in Cutibacterium acnes lipase | 2020.05.01 |
Biodesign |
학술지명Biodesign 논문명Purification and preliminary analysis of the lysophospholipase from Cutibacterium acnes 게재년월일2020.03.30 |
Purification and preliminary analysis of the lysophospholipase from Cutibacterium acnes | 2020.03.30 |
융합정보논문지 |
학술지명융합정보논문지 논문명척추측만증 환자의 수술 효과 평가 수단으로서 웨어러블 스마트 깔창을 이용한 보행분석의 유용성 게재년월일2020.02.28 |
척추측만증 환자의 수술 효과 평가 수단으로서 웨어러블 스마트 깔창을 이용한 보행분석의 유용성 | 2020.02.28 |
기본연구지원사업 최종결과보고서 |
학술지명기본연구지원사업 최종결과보고서 논문명내성균의 산화적 스트레스 반응계 연구를 통한 새로운 기전의 항생제 및 항산화제 후보물질 개발 게재년월일2020.01.13 |
내성균의 산화적 스트레스 반응계 연구를 통한 새로운 기전의 항생제 및 항산화제 후보물질 개발 | 2020.01.13 |
Biodesign |
학술지명Biodesign 논문명Purification and preliminary analysis of the nuclease and capping domain of the DNA repair exonuclease SbcD from the Grampositive bacteria Staphylococcus aureus 게재년월일2019.12.30 |
Purification and preliminary analysis of the nuclease and capping domain of the DNA repair exonuclease SbcD from the Grampositive bacteria Staphylococcus aureus | 2019.12.30 |
학술지명CRYSTALS 논문명Crystal Structure of Bacterial Cystathionine Gamma-Lyase in The Cysteine Biosynthesis Pathway of Staphylococcus aureus 게재년월일2019.12.09 |
Crystal Structure of Bacterial Cystathionine Gamma-Lyase in The Cysteine Biosynthesis Pathway of Staphylococcus aureus | 2019.12.09 |
32st European Crystallographic Meeting |
학술지명32st European Crystallographic Meeting 논문명Structure and function of S. aureus YabJ as a novel chlorination-induced ribonuclease 게재년월일2019.08.22 |
Structure and function of S. aureus YabJ as a novel chlorination-induced ribonuclease | 2019.08.22 |
학술지명JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY 논문명Crystal Structure of SAV0927 and Its Functional Implications 게재년월일2019.03.28 |
Crystal Structure of SAV0927 and Its Functional Implications | 2019.03.28 |
대학정책연구 |
학술지명대학정책연구 논문명교육수요자 만족도 조사 문항 재점검 및 개선 정책연구 게재년월일2019.02.15 |
교육수요자 만족도 조사 문항 재점검 및 개선 정책연구 | 2019.02.15 |
대학정책연구 |
학술지명대학정책연구 논문명2020학년도 약학대학 신설 (설치) 게재년월일2018.12.31 |
2020학년도 약학대학 신설 (설치) | 2018.12.31 |
Biodesign |
학술지명Biodesign 논문명Purification and preliminary analysis of the ATP-dependent unfoldase HslU from the gram-positive bacterium Staphylococcus aureus 게재년월일2018.12.30 |
Purification and preliminary analysis of the ATP-dependent unfoldase HslU from the gram-positive bacterium Staphylococcus aureus | 2018.12.30 |
학술지명BIOSCIENCE REPORTS 논문명A novel chlorination-induced ribonuclease YabJ from Staphylococcus aureus 게재년월일2018.10.17 |
A novel chlorination-induced ribonuclease YabJ from Staphylococcus aureus | 2018.10.17 |
31st European Crystallographic Meeting |
학술지명31st European Crystallographic Meeting 논문명Structure and function of DJ-1 superfamily proteins from Staphylococcus aureus 게재년월일2018.08.27 |
Structure and function of DJ-1 superfamily proteins from Staphylococcus aureus | 2018.08.27 |
symposium on structure and folding of disease related proteins |
학술지명symposium on structure and folding of disease related proteins 논문명Structural studies on DJ-1 superfamily proteins from Staphylococcus aureus 게재년월일2018.07.13 |
Structural studies on DJ-1 superfamily proteins from Staphylococcus aureus | 2018.07.13 |
산업경영 |
학술지명산업경영 논문명시카카이 열매 추출물(Acacoa concinna)의 항산화 효과 게재년월일2017.12.30 |
시카카이 열매 추출물(Acacoa concinna)의 항산화 효과 | 2017.12.30 |
학술지명BIOSCIENCE REPORTS 논문명Structural and functional studies of SAV0551 from Staphylococcus aureus as a chaperone and glyoxalase III 게재년월일2017.11.17 |
Structural and functional studies of SAV0551 from Staphylococcus aureus as a chaperone and glyoxalase III | 2017.11.17 |
2016 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Asia (ICCE-Asia) |
학술지명2016 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Asia (ICCE-Asia) 논문명A study on gait pattern identification and classification using a smart insole FootLogger 게재년월일2016.10.28 |
A study on gait pattern identification and classification using a smart insole FootLogger | 2016.10.28 |
International Conference on 70th Anniversary of The Pharmaceutical Society of Korea |
학술지명International Conference on 70th Anniversary of The Pharmaceutical Society of Korea 논문명Structural and functional insight into the different oxidation states of SAV1875 from S. aureus 게재년월일2016.10.18 |
Structural and functional insight into the different oxidation states of SAV1875 from S. aureus | 2016.10.18 |
Journal of the Korean Magnetic Resonance Society |
학술지명Journal of the Korean Magnetic Resonance Society 논문명Secondary structure analysis of MRA1997 from Mycobacterium tuberculosis and characterization of DNA binding property 게재년월일2016.06.30 |
Secondary structure analysis of MRA1997 from Mycobacterium tuberculosis and characterization of DNA binding property | 2016.06.30 |
20th Korean Peptide Protein Society Symposium |
학술지명20th Korean Peptide Protein Society Symposium 논문명(*중복)Structural and functional insight into the different oxidation states of SAV1875 from Staphylococcus aureus 게재년월일2016.06.24 |
(*중복)Structural and functional insight into the different oxidation states of SAV1875 from Staphylococcus aureus | 2016.06.24 |
학술지명SENSORS 논문명Stride Counting in Human Walking and Walking Distance Estimation Using Insole Sensors 게재년월일2016.06.04 |
Stride Counting in Human Walking and Walking Distance Estimation Using Insole Sensors | 2016.06.04 |
대학정책연구 |
학술지명대학정책연구 논문명특수대학원 대학원별 발전계획 및 특성화 계획수립 게재년월일2016.03.31 |
특수대학원 대학원별 발전계획 및 특성화 계획수립 | 2016.03.31 |
Biochemical Journal |
학술지명Biochemical Journal 논문명Structural and functional insight into the different oxidation states of SAV1875 from Staphylococcus aureus 게재년월일2016.01.01 |
Structural and functional insight into the different oxidation states of SAV1875 from Staphylococcus aureus | 2016.01.01 |
방사광이용자연구발표회 및 (사)한국방사관이용자협회 정기총회 |
학술지명방사광이용자연구발표회 및 (사)한국방사관이용자협회 정기총회 논문명Structural analysis of Hsp31 from Staphylococcus aureus as a chaperone and a glyoxalase III 게재년월일2015.11.20 |
Structural analysis of Hsp31 from Staphylococcus aureus as a chaperone and a glyoxalase III | 2015.11.20 |
기본연구지원사업 최종결과보고서 |
학술지명기본연구지원사업 최종결과보고서 논문명구조적 생화학적 연구를 통한 세균성 ASST의 작용 기전 연구 게재년월일2015.09.30 |
구조적 생화학적 연구를 통한 세균성 ASST의 작용 기전 연구 | 2015.09.30 |
2015 Proceedings of the Spring International Convention of the Pharmaceutical Society of Korea |
학술지명2015 Proceedings of the Spring International Convention of the Pharmaceutical Society of Korea 논문명Flexibility ofβ-arms of HU from Staphylococcus aureus dictates the DNA binding and recognition mechanism 게재년월일2015.04.23 |
Flexibility ofβ-arms of HU from Staphylococcus aureus dictates the DNA binding and recognition mechanism | 2015.04.23 |
2015 Proceedings of the Spring International Convention of the Pharmaceutical Society of Korea |
학술지명2015 Proceedings of the Spring International Convention of the Pharmaceutical Society of Korea 논문명Structural and functional insight into the different oxidation states of SAV1875 from Staphylococcus aureus 게재년월일2015.04.23 |
Structural and functional insight into the different oxidation states of SAV1875 from Staphylococcus aureus | 2015.04.23 |
학술지명PHYTOTHERAPY RESEARCH 논문명Chemical Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of the Essential Oil of Apricot Seed 게재년월일2014.12.01 |
Chemical Composition and Antimicrobial Activity of the Essential Oil of Apricot Seed | 2014.12.01 |
학술지명ACTA CRYSTALLOGRAPHICA SECTION D-BIOLOGICAL CRYSTALLOGRAPHY 논문명β-Arm flexibility of HU from Staphylococcus aureus dictates the DNA-binding and recognition mechanism 게재년월일2014.12.01 |
β-Arm flexibility of HU from Staphylococcus aureus dictates the DNA-binding and recognition mechanism | 2014.12.01 |
한국정밀공학회지 |
학술지명한국정밀공학회지 논문명유한요소 해석을 통한 실리콘 족적 센서의 감도 조절 및 설계 게재년월일2014.11.30 |
유한요소 해석을 통한 실리콘 족적 센서의 감도 조절 및 설계 | 2014.11.30 |
2014 Congress and General Assembly of the IUCr |
학술지명2014 Congress and General Assembly of the IUCr 논문명Structure of the stress response protein SAV1875 from S. aureus 게재년월일2014.08.12 |
Structure of the stress response protein SAV1875 from S. aureus | 2014.08.12 |
2014 Congress and General Assembly of the IUCr |
학술지명2014 Congress and General Assembly of the IUCr 논문명Toxins from TA system of Helicobacter pylori and insight into mRNase activity 게재년월일2014.08.12 |
Toxins from TA system of Helicobacter pylori and insight into mRNase activity | 2014.08.12 |
학술지명BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-PROTEINS AND PROTEOMICS 논문명Crystal structure of apo and copper bound HP0894 toxin from Helicobacter pylori 26695 and insight into mRNase activity 게재년월일2013.12.31 |
Crystal structure of apo and copper bound HP0894 toxin from Helicobacter pylori 26695 and insight into mRNase activity | 2013.12.31 |
The 12th Meeting of the Asian Crystallographic Association |
학술지명The 12th Meeting of the Asian Crystallographic Association 논문명Crystal structure of apo and copper bound HP0894 toxin from Helicobacter pylori and insight into mRNase activity. 게재년월일2013.12.10 |
Crystal structure of apo and copper bound HP0894 toxin from Helicobacter pylori and insight into mRNase activity. | 2013.12.10 |
한약응용학회지 |
학술지명한약응용학회지 논문명옻나무 수피부(Rhus verniciflua Stokes bark) 메탄올 추출물의 항균활성 게재년월일2013.06.30 |
옻나무 수피부(Rhus verniciflua Stokes bark) 메탄올 추출물의 항균활성 | 2013.06.30 |
학술지명JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 논문명Identification of Chromosomal HP0892-HP0893 Toxin-Antitoxin Proteins in Helicobacter pylori and Structural Elucidation of Their Protein-Protein Interaction 게재년월일2013.02.22 |
Identification of Chromosomal HP0892-HP0893 Toxin-Antitoxin Proteins in Helicobacter pylori and Structural Elucidation of Their Protein-Protein Interaction | 2013.02.22 |
AsCA 12/Crystal 28 and Bragg Centennial symposium |
학술지명AsCA 12/Crystal 28 and Bragg Centennial symposium 논문명HP0315 from Helicobacter pylori as a vapD protein with an endoribonuclease activity 게재년월일2012.12.02 |
HP0315 from Helicobacter pylori as a vapD protein with an endoribonuclease activity | 2012.12.02 |
보건의료기술연구개발 최종결과보고서 |
학술지명보건의료기술연구개발 최종결과보고서 논문명대장균을 이용한 high-throughput 단백질 생산기술 확립 및 MRSA의 병원성 관련 단백질 구조 규명 게재년월일2012.10.31 |
대장균을 이용한 high-throughput 단백질 생산기술 확립 및 MRSA의 병원성 관련 단백질 구조 규명 | 2012.10.31 |
2012 Proceeding of fall international convention of the pharmaceutical society of Korea |
학술지명2012 Proceeding of fall international convention of the pharmaceutical society of Korea 논문명Sequence analysis of ermB gene that endows resistance against ketolide antibiotics 게재년월일2012.10.24 |
Sequence analysis of ermB gene that endows resistance against ketolide antibiotics | 2012.10.24 |
2012 Proceeding of fall international convention of the pharmaceutical society of Korea |
학술지명2012 Proceeding of fall international convention of the pharmaceutical society of Korea 논문명Analysis of trends and genes of mupirocin resistance in clinical strains of Staphylococcus aureus and coagulase-negative Staphylococci 게재년월일2012.10.24 |
Analysis of trends and genes of mupirocin resistance in clinical strains of Staphylococcus aureus and coagulase-negative Staphylococci | 2012.10.24 |
2012 Proceeding of fall international convention of the pharmaceutical society of Korea |
학술지명2012 Proceeding of fall international convention of the pharmaceutical society of Korea 논문명Comparison of antioxidant activities of selected plant essential oils 게재년월일2012.10.24 |
Comparison of antioxidant activities of selected plant essential oils | 2012.10.24 |
27th European Crystallographic Meeting |
학술지명27th European Crystallographic Meeting 논문명HP0315 from Helicobacter pylori as a VapD protein with an endoribonuclease activity 게재년월일2012.08.11 |
HP0315 from Helicobacter pylori as a VapD protein with an endoribonuclease activity | 2012.08.11 |
미생물학회지 |
학술지명미생물학회지 논문명국내 한 대학병원에서 수집된 Mupirocin 내성 포도알균의 내성 유전자 및 항생물질 감수성 분석 게재년월일2012.06.30 |
국내 한 대학병원에서 수집된 Mupirocin 내성 포도알균의 내성 유전자 및 항생물질 감수성 분석 | 2012.06.30 |
학술지명NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH 논문명Structural and biochemical characterization of HP0315 from Helicobacter pylori as a VapD protein with an endoribonuclease activity 게재년월일2012.05.01 |
Structural and biochemical characterization of HP0315 from Helicobacter pylori as a VapD protein with an endoribonuclease activity | 2012.05.01 |
학술지명ARCHIVES OF PHARMACAL RESEARCH 논문명Alterations in Regulatory Regions of erm(B) Genes from Clinical Isolates of Enterococci Resistant to Telithromycin 게재년월일2011.12.30 |
Alterations in Regulatory Regions of erm(B) Genes from Clinical Isolates of Enterococci Resistant to Telithromycin | 2011.12.30 |
22th Congress and General Assembly of the International Union of Crystallography |
학술지명22th Congress and General Assembly of the International Union of Crystallography 논문명Structural and biochemical characterization of HP0315 as a VapD protein with an endoribonuclease activity from Helicobacter pylori 게재년월일2011.08.28 |
Structural and biochemical characterization of HP0315 as a VapD protein with an endoribonuclease activity from Helicobacter pylori | 2011.08.28 |
22th Congress and General Assembly of the International Union of Crystallography |
학술지명22th Congress and General Assembly of the International Union of Crystallography 논문명Crystal structure of the dimerization domain of human filamin A 게재년월일2011.08.28 |
Crystal structure of the dimerization domain of human filamin A | 2011.08.28 |
학술지명JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 논문명Functional Identification of Toxin-Antitoxin Molecules from Helicobacter pylori 26695 and Structural Elucidation of the Molecular Interactions 게재년월일2011.02.11 |
Functional Identification of Toxin-Antitoxin Molecules from Helicobacter pylori 26695 and Structural Elucidation of the Molecular Interactions | 2011.02.11 |
대구한의대학교 대학정책연구과제 보고서 |
학술지명대구한의대학교 대학정책연구과제 보고서 논문명2011년 창업선도대학 육성사업 신청 게재년월일2011.01.17 |
2011년 창업선도대학 육성사업 신청 | 2011.01.17 |
Conference of the asian crystallographic association |
학술지명Conference of the asian crystallographic association 논문명Crystal structure of hypothetical protein HP0062 from Helicobacter pylori 게재년월일2010.10.31 |
Crystal structure of hypothetical protein HP0062 from Helicobacter pylori | 2010.10.31 |
학술지명ARCHIVES OF PHARMACAL RESEARCH 논문명Expression, Crystallization, and Preliminary X-ray Crystallographic Analysis of Putative SpoVG from Staphylococcus aureus 게재년월일2010.08.31 |
Expression, Crystallization, and Preliminary X-ray Crystallographic Analysis of Putative SpoVG from Staphylococcus aureus | 2010.08.31 |
Symposium on structure and folding of disease related proteins |
학술지명Symposium on structure and folding of disease related proteins 논문명Crystal structure of hypothetical protein HP0062 from Helicobacter pylori at 1.65 A resolution 게재년월일2010.07.09 |
Crystal structure of hypothetical protein HP0062 from Helicobacter pylori at 1.65 A resolution | 2010.07.09 |
학술지명CHEMOTHERAPY 논문명Extended Spectrum of Quinolone Resistance, Even to a Potential Latter Third-Generation Agent, as a Result of a Minimum of Two GrlA and Two GyrA Alterations in Quinolone-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus 게재년월일2010.05.31 |
Extended Spectrum of Quinolone Resistance, Even to a Potential Latter Third-Generation Agent, as a Result of a Minimum of Two GrlA and Two GyrA Alterations in Quinolone-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus | 2010.05.31 |
Journal of the Korean Magnetic Resonance Society |
학술지명Journal of the Korean Magnetic Resonance Society 논문명Backbone 1H, 15N and 13C Resonance Assignment and Secondary Structure Prediction of HP0062 (O24902_HELPY) from Helicobacter pylori 게재년월일2009.12.20 |
Backbone 1H, 15N and 13C Resonance Assignment and Secondary Structure Prediction of HP0062 (O24902_HELPY) from Helicobacter pylori | 2009.12.20 |
대구한의대학교 정책연구과제보고서 |
학술지명대구한의대학교 정책연구과제보고서 논문명약학대학 설립추진 방안 연구 게재년월일2009.12.10 |
약학대학 설립추진 방안 연구 | 2009.12.10 |
The 32nd annual meeting of the molecular biology society of Japan |
학술지명The 32nd annual meeting of the molecular biology society of Japan 논문명Structural and functional studies on the conserved hypothetical protein HP0894 from Helicobacter pylori 게재년월일2009.12.09 |
Structural and functional studies on the conserved hypothetical protein HP0894 from Helicobacter pylori | 2009.12.09 |
The 32nd annual meeting of the molecular biology society of Japan |
학술지명The 32nd annual meeting of the molecular biology society of Japan 논문명NMR solution structure of HP0827 (O25501_HELPY) from Helicobacter pylori: model of the possible RNA-binding site. 게재년월일2009.12.09 |
NMR solution structure of HP0827 (O25501_HELPY) from Helicobacter pylori: model of the possible RNA-binding site. | 2009.12.09 |
학술지명JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY 논문명NMR Solution Structure of HP0827 (O25501_HELPY) from Helicobacter pylori: Model of the Possible RNA-binding Site 게재년월일2009.11.30 |
NMR Solution Structure of HP0827 (O25501_HELPY) from Helicobacter pylori: Model of the Possible RNA-binding Site | 2009.11.30 |
학술지명JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY 논문명Crystal Structure of Hypothetical Protein HP0062 (O24902_HELPY) from Helicobacter pylori at 1.65 angstrom Resolution 게재년월일2009.10.31 |
Crystal Structure of Hypothetical Protein HP0062 (O24902_HELPY) from Helicobacter pylori at 1.65 angstrom Resolution | 2009.10.31 |
The 3rd APNMR biannual Asia-Pacific NMR symposium |
학술지명The 3rd APNMR biannual Asia-Pacific NMR symposium 논문명Solution structure of hypothetical protein HP1423 (Y1423_HELPY) from Helicobacter pylori 게재년월일2009.10.26 |
Solution structure of hypothetical protein HP1423 (Y1423_HELPY) from Helicobacter pylori | 2009.10.26 |
International symposium on biological NMR |
학술지명International symposium on biological NMR 논문명Interaction of HP0894 with 0895 and mRNA with implication that HP0894-HP0895 is a toxin-antitoxin system 게재년월일2009.10.23 |
Interaction of HP0894 with 0895 and mRNA with implication that HP0894-HP0895 is a toxin-antitoxin system | 2009.10.23 |
대한약학회 2009년도 추계 국제학술대회 |
학술지명대한약학회 2009년도 추계 국제학술대회 논문명Structural study of ARD1 protein using NMR and X-ray Crystallography 게재년월일2009.10.15 |
Structural study of ARD1 protein using NMR and X-ray Crystallography | 2009.10.15 |
Summer symposium on biological NMR |
학술지명Summer symposium on biological NMR 논문명NMR solution structure of HP0827 (O25501_HELPY) from Helicobacter pylori: Model of the possible RNA binding site 게재년월일2009.08.23 |
NMR solution structure of HP0827 (O25501_HELPY) from Helicobacter pylori: Model of the possible RNA binding site | 2009.08.23 |
Summer symposium on biological NMR |
학술지명Summer symposium on biological NMR 논문명Virulence-associated protein D (VAPD) from Helicobacter pylori(HP0315) is an endoribonuclease 게재년월일2009.08.23 |
Virulence-associated protein D (VAPD) from Helicobacter pylori(HP0315) is an endoribonuclease | 2009.08.23 |
신진교수지원사업 최종결과보고서 |
학술지명신진교수지원사업 최종결과보고서 논문명Methicillin 내성 Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)의 병원성 및 항생제 내성 관련 단백질의 구조 및 작용기전 게재년월일2009.02.18 |
Methicillin 내성 Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)의 병원성 및 항생제 내성 관련 단백질의 구조 및 작용기전 | 2009.02.18 |
한국분자세포생물학회 제20회 동계학술대회 |
학술지명한국분자세포생물학회 제20회 동계학술대회 논문명Crystal structure of the dimerization domain of human filamin A 게재년월일2009.02.06 |
Crystal structure of the dimerization domain of human filamin A | 2009.02.06 |
proteins |
학술지명proteins 논문명Solution structure of hypothetical protein HP1423 (Y1423_HELPY) reveals the presence of alphaL motif related to RNA binding 게재년월일2008.11.24 |
Solution structure of hypothetical protein HP1423 (Y1423_HELPY) reveals the presence of alphaL motif related to RNA binding | 2008.11.24 |
학술지명PROTEINS-STRUCTURE FUNCTION AND BIOINFORMATICS 논문명Crystal structure of the dimerization domain of human filamin A 게재년월일2008.11.24 |
Crystal structure of the dimerization domain of human filamin A | 2008.11.24 |
한국생물공학회 대구경북지부 학술심포지움 |
학술지명한국생물공학회 대구경북지부 학술심포지움 논문명피부질환과 피부관리법 - 여드름 피부 게재년월일2008.08.29 |
피부질환과 피부관리법 - 여드름 피부 | 2008.08.29 |
2008년 한약응용학회 춘계학술대회 |
학술지명2008년 한약응용학회 춘계학술대회 논문명Bifidobacterium infantis OFR-384 strains resistant to rifampicin and fluoroquinolones 게재년월일2008.05.31 |
Bifidobacterium infantis OFR-384 strains resistant to rifampicin and fluoroquinolones | 2008.05.31 |
2008년도 한약응용학회 춘계학술대회 |
학술지명2008년도 한약응용학회 춘계학술대회 논문명Induction mechanisms of ermB gene, encoding resistance to macrolides, lincosamides and streptograminB antibiotics 게재년월일2008.05.31 |
Induction mechanisms of ermB gene, encoding resistance to macrolides, lincosamides and streptograminB antibiotics | 2008.05.31 |
학술지명ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS AND CHEMOTHERAPY 논문명Translational attenuation and mRNA stabilization as mechanisms of erm(B) induction by erythromycin 게재년월일2008.05.31 |
Translational attenuation and mRNA stabilization as mechanisms of erm(B) induction by erythromycin | 2008.05.31 |
Archives of Pharmacal Research(SCI E) 0253-6269 |
학술지명Archives of Pharmacal Research(SCI E) 0253-6269 논문명Molecular anaylsis of constitutive mutations in ermB and ermA selected in vitro from inducibly MLSB-resistant Enterococci 게재년월일2008.03.31 |
Molecular anaylsis of constitutive mutations in ermB and ermA selected in vitro from inducibly MLSB-resistant Enterococci | 2008.03.31 |
학술지명JOURNAL OF ANTIMICROBIAL CHEMOTHERAPY 논문명Foggy D-shaped zone of inhibition in Staphylococcus aureus owing to a dual character of both inducible and constitutive resistance to macrolide-lincosamide-streptogramin B 게재년월일2008.01.29 |
Foggy D-shaped zone of inhibition in Staphylococcus aureus owing to a dual character of both inducible and constitutive resistance to macrolide-lincosamide-streptogramin B | 2008.01.29 |
Proceedings of the convention of the society of cosmetics and public health |
학술지명Proceedings of the convention of the society of cosmetics and public health 논문명Prevalence of resistance to macrolide, lincosamide and streptogramin antibiotics in Gram-positive cocci isolated in Korea 게재년월일2007.10.27 |
Prevalence of resistance to macrolide, lincosamide and streptogramin antibiotics in Gram-positive cocci isolated in Korea | 2007.10.27 |
Journal of cosmetics and public health |
학술지명Journal of cosmetics and public health 논문명대학생들의 탈모유발인자와 관련된 생활습관 실태조사 게재년월일2007.09.30 |
대학생들의 탈모유발인자와 관련된 생활습관 실태조사 | 2007.09.30 |
Journal of cosmetics and public health |
학술지명Journal of cosmetics and public health 논문명대학생들의 트랜스 지방에 관한 인식에 대한 고찰 게재년월일2007.09.30 |
대학생들의 트랜스 지방에 관한 인식에 대한 고찰 | 2007.09.30 |
학술지명ARCHIVES OF PHARMACAL RESEARCH 논문명Activities of clindamycin, synercid, telithromycin, linezolid, and mupirocin against gram-positive coccal strains resistant to erythromycin in Korea 게재년월일2007.07.31 |
Activities of clindamycin, synercid, telithromycin, linezolid, and mupirocin against gram-positive coccal strains resistant to erythromycin in Korea | 2007.07.31 |
학술지명BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOPROCESS ENGINEERING 논문명8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine induces senescence-like changes in KG-1, human acute myelocytic leukemia cell line 게재년월일2007.04.30 |
8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine induces senescence-like changes in KG-1, human acute myelocytic leukemia cell line | 2007.04.30 |
학술지명JOURNAL OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 논문명NMR spectroscopic assessment of the structure and dynamic properties of an amphibian antimicrobial peptide (Gaegurin 4) bound to SDS micelles 게재년월일2007.03.31 |
NMR spectroscopic assessment of the structure and dynamic properties of an amphibian antimicrobial peptide (Gaegurin 4) bound to SDS micelles | 2007.03.31 |
학술지명ARCHIVES OF PHARMACAL RESEARCH 논문명ermK leader peptide : Amino acid sequence critical for induction by erythromycin 게재년월일2006.12.31 |
ermK leader peptide : Amino acid sequence critical for induction by erythromycin | 2006.12.31 |
학술지명JOURNAL OF ANTIMICROBIAL CHEMOTHERAPY 논문명In vitro and in vivo activities of DW-224a, a novel fluoroquinolone antibiotic agent 게재년월일2006.09.30 |
In vitro and in vivo activities of DW-224a, a novel fluoroquinolone antibiotic agent | 2006.09.30 |
약학회지 |
학술지명약학회지 논문명안개 D형 저지원을 갖는 MLS 내성 황색 포도상 구균의 분포와 내성 기전 게재년월일2006.03.31 |
안개 D형 저지원을 갖는 MLS 내성 황색 포도상 구균의 분포와 내성 기전 | 2006.03.31 |
약학회지 |
학술지명약학회지 논문명임상 분리 그람 양성 구균에 대한 MLS계 항생물질의 내성 게재년월일2006.03.31 |
임상 분리 그람 양성 구균에 대한 MLS계 항생물질의 내성 | 2006.03.31 |
Arch Pharm Res(0253-6269) SCI E |
학술지명Arch Pharm Res(0253-6269) SCI E 논문명Role of disulfide bond of arylsulfate sulfotransferase in the catalytic activity 게재년월일2005.05.31 |
Role of disulfide bond of arylsulfate sulfotransferase in the catalytic activity | 2005.05.31 |
J Biol Chem(0021-9258) |
학술지명J Biol Chem(0021-9258) 논문명Crystal structure of agmatinase reveals structural conservation and inhibition mechanism of the ureohydrolase superfamily 게재년월일2004.11.26 |
Crystal structure of agmatinase reveals structural conservation and inhibition mechanism of the ureohydrolase superfamily | 2004.11.26 |
J Struc Biol(1047-8477) |
학술지명J Struc Biol(1047-8477) 논문명Kinetics of protein substrate degradation by HslUV 게재년월일2004.05.31 |
Kinetics of protein substrate degradation by HslUV | 2004.05.31 |